5 Messages to Send Your Comedy Club Patrons for a Successful SMS Marketing Campaign

Many businesses have adopted texting as a way to engage with customers to boost their business. Comedy clubs can benefit from the numerous advantages of SMS marketing, including a high open rate and engagement rate. If you are looking for ways to include this type of marketing in your comedy club, then you want to be sure you create the best content. The following messages are just a few ideas you can use to jump start a dynamite text marketing campaign.

Free Drink With Purchase

Deals and discounts are always a popular option no matter what business you are in. For comedy clubs, getting people in the door to buy food and drinks can help to increase your business. Sending a message that offers a free drink with purchase provides your guests an incentive to come to your club. This can be the purchase of a meal, entry tickets, or a BOGO free drink special. Once your guests have one drink, they are more likely to order and pay for another drink, helping increase your revenue.

VIP Seating

Some comedy clubs have assigned seating, but most offer seating on a first come, first serve basis. For your SMS marketing subscribers, you can create a special seating area near the front of the stage. Upon showing the text message, your loyal subscribers have a chance to get VIP seating, even if they come later in the evening. This works well as a way to reward your most loyal customers. With your text marketing platform, you have the ability to group your subscribers based on their demographics and behavior patterns. One group can include your loyal customers to whom you send additional incentives and rewards beyond just VIP seating.

Discount Entry

Another highly popular offer to send through SMS marketing is a discount on the entry fee. Once you get people into your comedy club, you have other avenues of sales, including food and drinks. Most clubs make the bulk of their profits from drinks rather than entry tickets. This makes this type of coupon one of the best to send out. It minimizes the loss to your club due to the discount, and it is highly attractive to customers.

Event Reminders

SMS marketing is the perfect forum for sending out event reminders to your guests and potential guests. Around 98 percent of text messages are read. Most of the time that is within just a few minutes. This means that you can send reminders out the day of the show and feel confident that your subscribers saw the message. This helps increase attendance, since people will have less time to forget about the show. Event reminders also work well as customer service initiatives to remind those who pre-ordered tickets to their event so that they do not miss out.

Exclusive Pre-Sale Opportunities

Another message to send your comedy club patrons is a link to exclusive pre-sale opportunities to get tickets to shows. This works especially well for shows that are sure to sell out quickly. Your subscribers, especially your loyal members, can get a chance to get their tickets before you sell out so that they do not miss out. Although you can always offer pre-sale tickets through your text marketing campaign, you will see it work better when you use it for the big names heading to your club.

These are just a few examples of some messages you can send to your comedy club patrons to capitalize on the benefits of SMS marketing to increase your club's profits. When developing messages of your own, consider what your customers would most want from you. It is important that you concentrate on sending messages of value to your customers, and that those messages remain exclusive to the medium.

Ready to see how texting can help your comedy club increase its business? Try ClubTexting for free.



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