Baby Boomer Time for the Mobile Market

It may come as a surprise in such a youth-oriented market, but the fastest growing demographic for mobile usage is 45-64, says a recent Nielsen Company report. Mobile marketers must stay alert to this audience if they want to maximize their reach.

The study also indicated an increasing preference for social media among the same demographic. Other research has thrown up similar findings. Baby boomers are now the main growth drivers for Facebook and Twitter. But are mobile marketers appealing to this audience? If not, how can they start developing a strategy that speaks to middle-aged users?

The answer could lie in SMS messaging. Middle-aged users are already an experienced demographic when it comes to texting, and with more and more users buying smartphones, integrating your social media campaign with your text campaign has never been easier.

Used to the SMS interface, older, less tech-savvy users are much likelier to click a link contained within a text message than discover it from browsing online. Coupons, discounts, special offers – they can all be delivered via text, and you can encourage recipients to visit your site by linking directly from SMS. As ever, offering real value is the most effective way to attract business.

When devising a mobile marketing strategy for baby boomers, think about their specific needs. Healthcare products, vacation rentals, flights. The possibilities for targeting older consumers are endless.

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