Does Text Message Marketing Work with B2B Marketing?

Text message marketing is a powerful tool to engage with customers. Many businesses that deal exclusively in B2B marketing do not feel as though it could benefit them the same as it does those who work directly with the consumer.

The truth is that texts can help B2B marketing just as much, if not more, than B2C marketing. Even though you are marketing towards a company, there remains a person or persons that makes the decisions with which you do business, and texting can work better than email to communicate with and market to these business professionals.

Business Professionals Rely on their Phones

Over the past decades, cell phones have changed how people interact. Across the board, there has been an increase in adoption of cell phones, with around 90 percent of Americans owning some type of cell phones, of which 64 percent are smartphones. Among business professionals, about 97 percent keep their phones within three feet at all time, and they look at it around 150 times per day. Text message marketing takes advantage of this situation to contact potential clients no matter where the person is.

Less Competition

Many of these business professionals may check their emails through their phones, but there is often a large number of emails in their inbox. This intense competition could make it easy for a potential customer to overlook your email. Fewer companies have adopted text message marketing, which significantly reduces the number of competing texts your business contacts will receive. This helps you to stand out from the competition, helping to increase the chance that your message is received and businesses will choose you over the competition.

High Engagement Rates

Text message marketing has high engagement rates across industries. The average click-through rate for texting is 19 percent compared to roughly 4.2 percent for email. Additionally, around 98 percent of text messages are read compared to only 20 percent of emails. It does better than social media as well, with roughly 12 percent of Facebook posts and 29 percent of Tweets read by consumers. You have the chance to really grab the attention of potential customers and get them to see why they should choose your company. Your contact person at the business with whom you do or wish to do business will react similarly to the standard consumer when it comes to interacting with text messages.

Two-Way Communication

Customer service is an important component of any business, including those that deal in B2B marketing. One way to improve your customer service is to offer an easy and seamless way for businesses to contact you with questions or issues. Text message marketing can easily be used as a two-way communication method for customer service use. Your business contact can text you about an issue no matter where he or she is, including if they are in transit to see one of their clients or customers. A majority of consumers prefer to discuss customer service issues through text messages, and business contacts will want the same.

The benefits of text message marketing do not just apply to companies that deal directly with consumers; businesses that offer goods or services to other businesses can also take advantage of this effective marketing channel. It provides a way to communicate with your potential clients in an engaging way to improve their impression of your brand.

If you are unsure whether or not it can help your company, contact us to discuss yoru situation.



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