How to Use Text Marketing for Your Auto Repair Service

People have many businesses to choose from when they send their autos out for repair. To stand out from the competition, it is essential to provide better customer service and incorporate enhanced communication methods with your clients. Text marketing is an effective way for auto repair service shops to communicate with their customers in a way that also improves the customer's general impression of the overall service. If you are looking for ways to incorporate texting into your auto repair shop, following are some tips for getting started.

Appointment Reminders

Many of your clients will make an appointment to get their auto serviced, including for non-emergency repairs such as oil changes or wheel alignment. As their schedule fills up, it can be easy for them to forget, especially if they made the appointment weeks or even months in advance. You can avoid this by offering appointment reminders through text message. This service is helpful for your customers and can reduce your number of no-shows.

Offers and Discounts

Offers and discounts are a mainstay for text marketing campaigns. You can advertise a special discount on a service for customers who subscribe to your mobile program. After a customer has subscribed, you can periodically send more offers, such as discounted oil changes with a full safety check inspection. It is also possible to create groups in your subscriber list so that you send a tailored discount to your subscribers. For example, keep track of when people are in need of an oil change and send them a special offer.

Tips on Auto Care

To retain your subscribers, it is important that you continue to offer them something of value through your text marketing messages. Although many people will appreciate any offers and discounts you send out, they are most effective if people actually need some type of repair or service. To maintain customer loyalty between visits, consider sending periodic tips on auto care. People will appreciate learning ways to extend the life of their car, and this will help them to continue to see your company in a positive light. When they do need service, they will think of you first.

Updates About Repairs

Another beneficial way to use your text marketing service is to send your clients updates about their repairs, especially when their automobile has to undergo extensive service that takes days. Providing these updates assures them that their car is not just sitting in your garage, forgotten. This also reduces the number of clients that will be calling you for updates, allowing your staff to concentrate more on other tasks.

General Customer Service

It is also possible to use your text marketing service for general customer service. Set up a two-way communication channel so that people can text you questions about their car or a repair. A majority of people prefer to communicate with customer service agents via text message, so by offering the service, you increase customer satisfaction.

Text marketing can serve many purposes for your auto repair shop. You can send special offers via text and use text messages to stay in touch and manage customer service inquiries. Try ClubTexting for free to see how it can help you boost business at your auto repair shop.

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