Mobile Marketing: The Permission/Forgiveness Connection

Always ask for your customers' permission before sending them texts.

We have all heard the old saying, "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." In many life situations, this simple adage may be true. But when it comes to text message marketing, it could not be more false. If you are considering using text message marketing to attract the attention of your target customers, here are three reasons why it is critical to ask for permission to contact them rather than ask for forgiveness for sending unwelcome messages after the fact.

You Could Get Into Legal Trouble

In recent years, the regulations around mobile marketing have changed. Government agencies like the Federal Communications Commission have created rules about mass text message campaigns. Businesses must receive permission from their target audience in order to send potential customers offers via text. According to the rules, commercial businesses must get a written okay from mobile users in order to communicate through SMS message. Companies need to abide by these regulations or message could be flagged as spam and they may be opening themselves up to legal threats.

Creating a Mobile Subscriber List

To avoid getting involved in any unfortunate legal messes, business owners that choose to use text messaging to reach their audience usually build a mobile subscriber list first. This can be done in a number of different ways. Many companies choose to ask for customers' mobile numbers during the checkout process. For example, if you own a retail store, you may ask them to sign up for a mailing or mobile messaging list as they're completing their purchase. Other businesses might decide to create print marketing materials encouraging potential customers to text 'yes' to a specific number in order to receive special offers.

Taking a Cautious Approach

Once you have built your mobile subscriber list, it's a good idea to take a cautious approach to your first marketing campaign. Instead of simply sending offers to your list, consider having them opt-in again in order to ensure they are still interested in receiving communications from your business. This is beneficial for two reasons. Some customers may have forgotten that they subscribed to your list in the first place. It helps serve as a reminder for them, and helps protect your business. Many companies choose to lead off with a simple message that says something like, "Text YES to receive special offers from us." Being cautious is better than having to ask for forgiveness from mobile subscribers who aren't sure why they're receiving your messages.

Having your customers opt-in can help protect your business from potential legal issues.

Asking your mobile subscribers for permission to send text message communications is important. Not only will it help protect your business from any potential legal issues, it will also help you ensure that the people you are communicating with are actually interested in what you are offering them. Creating a mobile subscriber list and having your customers opt-in a second time can help you weed out the people who are interested in engaging with your business from those who aren't. If you are interested in creating a text marketing campaign, try Club Texting for free today.

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