Text Messaging Alerts


Sending alerts is one of text messaging’s most popular uses. When there’s an emergency, a last-minute update, or a cancellation, you can rely on Club Texting to make sure your followers know right away.

  • Suspicious vehicle reported on John Street near Kingston Avenue at 8:32pm. White Chevy G20 Cargo Van. Please reply if seen.


    For urgent or last-minute notices, you can broadcast a message on-the-go, directly from your phone.

  • New York Volunteers
    Chicago Volunteers
    Nashville Volunteers

    Audience Targeting

    To target your messaging to specific audiences, organize recipients by creating groups in your Club Texting account.

  • Tornado warning in your area until 8pm. Take shelter and stay safe.

    Immediate Contact

    Reach thousands of followers in minutes with emergency alerts.

While sending alerts is one of Club Texting’s most common uses, there are plenty of other ways to stay close to your audience. Check out other examples here.

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