Text Message Reminders


Text message reminders are popular with Club Texting users because they’re easy to create and convenient for recipients. Your audience will appreciate being kept in the loop about changed plans, appointment reminders and friendly updates.

  • To: Warrenville customers / Message: Store is closing today at 4PM due to local power outage.

    Advance Scheduling

    Set it and forget it by scheduling reminders in advance. Choose the date, time, and group of recipients for stress-free sending.

  • Fido’s appointment with Bark and Bathe Groomers is tomorrow at 2PM. See you both then!

    Recipient Targeting

    You can target individual recipients for planned reminders when setting their appointments. When you book a client’s appointment, schedule a reminder text to be sent to him or her as the appointment draws near.

  • Your order has been sent and should arrive Tuesday by 6PM.

    API Integration for Developers

    Sync our system with yours for seamless messaging triggered based on actions you define.

While Reminders is one of Club Texting’s most common uses, there are plenty of other ways to stay close to your audience. Check out other examples here.

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