Tips for Dynamite Customer Service with Group Texting

Incorporating texting into your marketing strategy is not just about finding ways to attract more customers through direct marketing; it is also about enhancing the entire customer experience. In today's market, it is very important to provide the best customer experience, since most customers shop based on emotions rather than price and other factors.

Providing dynamite customer service is one way that you can improve the customer experience, thereby increasing business. One way to do this is to use group texting in your customer service department. The majority of consumers prefer conducting customer service transactions through text than a voice call. To create a strong customer service campaign using your group texting program, utilize the following strategies.

Integrate Your Data

A strong customer service initiative knows as much about the customer as possible. Therefore, integrate your customer data across all your platforms, including your email, social media, and website. This allows your customer service department to know the relationship the customer has with the company and easily follow any history relevant to the current conversation. This streamlines the process so that even if a person communicates with you through different channels, you have the latest information.


When using group texting for customer service, it is important that you personalize the texts. This is easy when you create individualized texts in response to inquiries. It remains possible to provide some personalization when you send stock reply messages. The easiest way to do this is to simply add the person's name. This is easily done through a template, and it makes a huge difference for the person receiving the text.

Inform Consumers and Get Permission

Another important component of a dynamite customer service initiative is that you do not offend or frustrate the consumer. Therefore, you want to inform your customers about your group texting program and get permission before sending them any texts. When they buy something from you or sign up for your services, inform customers of the chance to receive transactional messages, appointment reminders, and other customer service communications via text. Also, let them know that they can text you with any problems, issues or inquiries.

Create Great Content

No matter the purpose of the message, it is essential that you develop great content. It should be well written without any spelling or grammar arrows errors (just kidding). It is important to include all the relevant information, such as how to opt in and out of messages and where to go to find additional information within the text.

You only have 160 characters, so you must be concise. However, do not use "text speech" or abbreviations beyond standard abbreviations you might use elsewhere, such as for states. If you require additional space, it might be best to include a summary of the most important information in the text along with a link to further information.

Many of the same rules for customer service apply to group texting as they would any other forum. You want to be professional, polite, considerate and customer-minded. On top of that, take advantage of the features of text messaging for an even better forum for addressing your customer's needs.

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