Will Marketers Kill QR Codes For Consumers?

QR Codes are an interesting technology. Some people hate them. Some people swear by them. We're not going to look at the their faults or positives today - instead we wanted to turn your attention to an interesting take on their long-term prospects over at Mobile Marketer - Are marketers killing consumer enthusiasm for QR codes?

Marketers are at various stages in the adoption of QR codes as part of their ongoing marketing efforts. However, simply linking to a video or mobile page may damage consumer enthusiasm and dampen their willingness to engage.


Sure-fire ways to hamper the success of a mobile campaign include not featuring simple instructions around how to scan the code or featuring incomplete or unclear calls to action.

Additionally, placing mobile bar codes on collateral or signs that are not in a suitable location – such as a billboard that is far away from the sidewalk, on TV for 2 seconds, next to a busy road where it would be dangerous to stop to scan or a subway station with no network access – will prove to be ineffective.

Another way to hamper the success of a QR code campaign is delivering content that is not valuable to the consumer and directing them to a page that is not mobile optimized.

For some tips on how to effectively use QR codes, head over to our sister brand's blog, Ez Texting.

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